
Expanding business operations in a foreign country such as China can be a lucrative opportunity for companies seeking to tap into new markets and leverage skilled labor. However, navigating the complex employment landscape and adhering to the local regulations can pose significant challenges. In this article, we will explore the importance of Employer of Records (EOR) in China, specifically in the city of Nanjing. We will discuss the risks associated with hiring in Nanjing, highlight specific policies and data, and provide strategies for mitigating these risks.

The Importance of Employer of Records (EOR) in Nanjing

Employer of Records (EOR) is an outsourcing solution that enables companies to hire employees in a foreign country without establishing a legal entity. EOR acts as the legal employer, handling all aspects of employment, including payroll, benefits, tax compliance, and HR administration. This arrangement allows companies to minimize legal and regulatory risks associated with hiring in Nanjing and streamline their operations.

Risks of Hiring in Nanjing

  1. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: China has a complex legal framework governing employment practices. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in severe penalties, legal disputes, and reputational damage. Some key areas of concern include labor contracts, working hours, minimum wages, social insurance contributions, and termination procedures.
  2. Cultural and Language Barriers: Cultural and language differences can create communication challenges and misunderstandings between employers and employees. Effective communication is crucial for maintaining a harmonious working environment and ensuring compliance with local regulations.
  3. Talent Acquisition and Retention: Nanjing, being a major industrial and commercial hub in China, attracts a significant pool of talent. However, competition for skilled professionals is intense. Companies may face difficulties in recruiting and retaining top talent due to various factors such as local labor market conditions, compensation expectations, and cultural preferences.

Specific Policies and Data

  1. Labor Contracts: According to Chinese labor law, written labor contracts are mandatory for all employees, including fixed-term and indefinite contracts. These contracts should clearly outline the terms and conditions of employment, including work hours, compensation, benefits, and termination procedures.
  2. Working Hours and Overtime: The standard working week in China is 40 hours, with a maximum of 8 hours per day. Overtime work is subject to additional compensation, with rates varying based on weekdays, weekends, and holidays.
  3. Minimum Wage: The minimum wage in Nanjing is set by the local government and is subject to periodic revisions. Employers must ensure compliance with the prevailing minimum wage rates to avoid legal repercussions.
  4. Social Insurance Contributions: Employers in Nanjing are required to contribute to various social insurance schemes, including pension, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance, and maternity insurance. The contribution rates are determined by local regulations.

Strategies for Mitigating Risks

  1. Partnering with an EOR: Engaging an Employer of Records (EOR) service provider can significantly mitigate risks associated with hiring in Nanjing. EORs have extensive knowledge of local regulations and can ensure compliance with employment laws, handle payroll and benefits administration, and provide HR support.
  2. Conducting Due Diligence: Prior to hiring in Nanjing, companies should conduct thorough due diligence to understand the local market, labor laws, and cultural nuances. This includes researching local labor regulations, engaging legal counsel familiar with Chinese employment law, and consulting with industry experts.
  3. Establishing Clear Communication Channels: Effective communication is critical for successful employer-employee relationships. Companies should establish clear channels of communication, provide language support where required, and ensure that policies and procedures are effectively communicated to employees.
  4. Competitive Compensation and Benefits: To attract and retain top talent in Nanjing, companies should offer competitive compensation and benefits packages. Conducting market research and benchmarking against industry standards can help ensure that the remuneration offered is in line with local expectations.


Expanding into Nanjing, China, offers tremendous business opportunities, but it also presents unique challenges in terms of employment regulations and cultural differences. Understanding the risks associated with hiring in Nanjing is crucial for companies seeking to establish a successful presence in the city. By partnering with an Employer of Records (EOR) and implementing effective strategies, companies can navigate the complexities of the employment landscape, ensure compliance with local regulations, and attract and retain top talent in Nanjing.

How Chinese Employer of Record (EOR) Works

As a local Employer of Record (EOR), we take on the legal responsibility of employing your new workforce in China. While you manage the day-to-day activities of your employees, we legally hire them through our agency. ChaadHR operates in over a hundred countries and utilizes local networks of experts to gain in-depth knowledge of local laws and regulations, as well as recruitment customs and trends. By partnering with us as an EOR, you gain access to this expert knowledge, which can be invaluable when expanding your business into China.

Our employment contract with your employees complies with Chinese labor laws and includes benefits such as insurance and pensions. We can hire, onboard, and manage your new employees in China in a matter of days, ensuring a fast and efficient process.

Here is how we can assist you:

  • We ensure that your new hires are compliant with Chinese laws and regulations.
  • We take care of the employment contract, HR (Human Resources) matters, taxes, and payroll.
  • We arrange the required visas or work permits for your employees.
  • Our team keeps your employees informed about holiday arrangements, benefits, and any changes in labor laws.
  • We keep you updated on changes in local laws and ensure that we comply with them.

-Your employees' declarations are forwarded to us on a monthly basis. Once we receive your payment, we deduct taxes and other contributions, and ensure that your employees receive their salaries promptly.

  • You retain control over the daily activities and responsibilities of your employees.

🌎💼Compliantly Hire and Pay Talent in 160+ Countries With ChaadHR

With our comprehensive Global Employer of Record (EoR) solution and integrated Global Payroll solution, we empower businesses to confidently and compliantly hire and pay their workforce in over 160 countries. By partnering with ChaadHR, companies can eliminate the burdensome task of entity establishment and navigating complex labor laws, while ensuring their payroll operations are fully compliant with local regulations.

ChaadHR helps businesses expand globally. We provide support for testing new markets, hiring employees, and setting up subsidiaries. Our platform offers compliant onboarding of international contractors, remote employee hiring, and consolidated payroll management through a single dashboard. Book a demo to learn more.